Mount Holyoke College
Class of 1963
Website Help 101
Welcome to our MHC Class of '63 Reunion Website! Our MHC Class of 1963 reunion website is intended to help us reconnect with old friends and make new ones as we move toward celebrating 50 years since graduation. All of us on the reunion committee welcome and encourage your use of these forums to share memories and stories as well as to provide updates on your lives since leaving Mount Holyoke. And we really hope it will be fun for everyone. Please use good judgment when posting messages and respect the privacy of classmates. Individual information should not be shared beyond our class without the permission of the person who posted it.
If you wish to have your name removed from the list of classmates or if you have complaints or suggestions, please contact us immediately, using Contact Us on the left side of this page.
And remember, we still have our official Alumnae Association class website at: You will find a list of class officers, obituaries for some of our classmates who have died, and much more.
There are two parts to the list on the left; the top section lists content pages, and the bottom section provides tools for you to manipulate your own data.
We can add more content pages, but this is what we have at the moment:
The Home Page contains announcements that our class officers and web administrators will update from time to time. Please check this out periodically.
The Classmate Profiles contains a list of most of our classmates. (A huge shout-out to Stephanie Smith for typing them in for us.) To view a profile, you must sign in yourself by clicking on your name and filling in at least some of the information. (The more forthcoming you are, the more fun and useful it is for us all.) Only classmates can view profiles. If you wish to have your name removed from the list, if your name isn't there or if your name needs to be edited, please contact us. Note that this page also has some fun information such as a map showing where we live and notice of upcoming birthdays.
The Reunion pages contain follow up information from our 50th and 55th; we plan to provide information about our upcoming mini-reunions here as well.
The Message Forum could be fun -- how about getting it going? Seen some good movies? Can you recommend some books?
Be sure to check out the Celebrating 175 Years video produced by the college.
The 1963 History and Videos page is provided by our web designers, ClassCreator. If you have something similar to suggest, or music to upload, please let us know.
The Photo Galleries page can get as big as we want it to be. At the moment any classmate can post her own galleries of photos for us all to see. (Instructions are below.) We all love seeing photos.
In Memoriam lists the names of classmates who have died. We all can enrich this page by adding our own memories, funny or poignant, of our friends.
Something not here you would like to see? Please let us know.
This info may be too basic for some but useful for others. Please use or ignore as you see fit.
Sometimes it is helpful having directions printed out. To print these directions, do the following:
1. Have the desired page on your computer screen
2. Choose FILE from the top bar (left-hand side) of your Internet connection. A "drop down" list will, we hope, drop down.
3. Hit PRINT and a large box will appear.
4. Choose PRINT again, and your directions will, you guessed it, print.
1. Hold down the CONTROL key and hit the key "p."
2. The large box will appear. Choose PRINT, and your directions will print
The easiest way to send an administrator a message (an email) is to use the tab on the left entitled CONTACT US at the top of the web page. A large message box will come up with my email address already in place. You can type in anything you need:
1. New information about a classmate
2. Corrections on any part of the site
3. Questions about how to do something on the site (We don't have all the answers, obviously; but Class Creator, designer of the site, does.)
4. Suggestions for improving the site
5. Material, or photos, you wish considered for a particular part of the site
6. Survey, page, or forum topics
We appreciate your participation and hope you'll help make this the best class site possible.
COPY and PASTE allows you to take printed material from one source and place it in another. In other words, should you find a particularly interesting article you wish to send to a colleague, you can "copy" the text and "paste" it into an email. Not all material on the Internet, however, can be copied; it will be easy to tell when this is the case.*
1. Place your cursor and the beginning of the text and hold down the left mouse button as you guide the cursor through the desired text. The writing will be highlighted with a background color, usually black or blue.
2. When you reach the end of the material you wish to copy, release the right mouse button.
3. Hold down the CONTROL key (Ctrl, lower left on the keyboard) and hit the key "c." The information will be magically transported to the unseen clipboard.
1. Place your cursor on the page where you wish your text to appear and hit the right mouse button once.
2. Hold down the CONTROL key and hit "v." The information will magically move from the unseen clipboard to your chosen page.
Many pictures can be copied in the same manner; but, please note, you can NOT use this method to transfer photos to our web site.
*If you find that the information you desire does not highlight in step 1 under To COPY, this means the material can not be transferred.
There are several pages on our website. To view any of these, click on the topic of your choice; and the desired page will come up. You will be able to navigate through the entire content of a page clicking down and then holding down the sliding bar on the right-hand side of the page.
To go to another page, just choose the topic from the left side list and click on it. It isn't necessary to close one page before going to another.
To email a classmate, begin by clicking on the black tab at the top of the Home Page entitled CLASSMATE PROFILES. A list of all classmates will come up. Choose who you wish to email, and click on the name. Her profile will appear. Then:
1. Go to the bottom of the page and you will find a box titled SEND A PRIVATE MESSAGE TO___________ (Your classmate's name will be filled in as well as your name in the FROM box.)
2. Type a topic in the SUBJECT box.
3. Type your message, or comment, in the large box below the FROM and SUBJECT sections.
4. Choose the SEND MESSAGE tab to get your email on its way.
Remember: Your message can only be read by the classmate you send it to, like any other email that is sent via the Internet.
If you wish to leave a comment on the profile page, choose TO LEAVE A COMMENT and type in your message.
Keep in mind that this comment can be read by anyone who pulls up the page.
If you wish notification when this, or any other profile is updated, check the box marked NOTIFY ME WHEN THIS PROFILE IS UPDATED. You can UNSUBSCRIBE, or cancel notification, any time you desire.
In order to ensure you receive important messages from our class web site, as well as messages sent directly to you from other Classmates, it's important you whitelist the email address (that's a .net, not a .com).
What is whitelisting? Whitelisting simply means you are telling your email program to accept all emails coming from our class web site and our Classmates. The technique for whitelisting varies by email program, but generally you will see the term "Whitelist", "Safe List", or "Safe Sender's List". This is where you want to be sure you have added the email address This may be as simple as adding this address to your computer contact book.
Class Creator, the system that helps us operate our class web site, uses the address when sending out email messages. Be assured that all emails sent through our site are valid — you will not receive spam email. Whitelisting is the single most important thing you can do to ensure you don't miss anything happening on our site or miss receiving your emails from your fellow Classmates.
On the left side of our web site is a blue column with a yellow header entitled MEMBER FUNCTIONS.
NOTIFY ME is a feature that sends you an email anytime a classmate adds new or changes information on her Profile Page. This is the easy way to keep up with your classmates. To do so:
1. Click on NOTIFY ME and a list of all classmates will appear. Next to each name is a box.
2. Click on the box, or boxes, of those you wish to follow. Their name(s) will appear in the area to the right of the original list.
3. There is no need to save anything; you now have all the subscriptions you desire. Change your mind? Just click on your check and you will be unsubscribed to a specific person.
Go on to another page by clicking another topic.
This feature lists all the emails you have received (IN BOX) as well as those you have sent (OUT BOX) through this web site. Your messages will remain in their respective boxes until you delete them.
A KEY at the top of both the IN BOX and OUT BOX shows symbols representing the status of an email. You will find one of these symbols to the left of each email listed.
Each listed email shows: (1). A box to check, (2). Its status; (3). Either who sent it to you (IN BOX) or who you sent it to (OUT BOX), (4). Subject and date of email, and (5). A red "X."
In both the IN BOX and OUT BOX settings, clicking on sender's name brings up that person's profile page and clicking on the subject brings up the actual email.
Clicking inside the box on the far left or on the red "X" on the far right, will turn the background red. This means that the email can be deleted by choosing the tab at the bottom of the page that says DELETE CHECKED THREAD.
Choosing this feature will allow you to view all of your contact information that you entered into your profile page. You can add to, or change, any info you wish by retyping over the existing words or by deleting the original words and then typing in the new information.
Be sure to click the SAVE CHANGES tab at the bottom of the page when you have finished.
You can rewrite, or edit, your contact info anytime it is necessary.
To add photos to your profile you must be able to locate exactly where the picture is on your computer. Most of the time, it will be in the folder titled MY PICTURES, or perhaps a photo could be "selected" in your photo cache and dragged to your desktop.
To UPLOAD a photo:
1. Choose EDIT/UPLOAD PHOTOS under MEMBER FUNCTIONS from the left column.
2. The page which comes up contains all the photos on your Profile Page. Choose UPLOAD NEW PHOTO
3. Next choose ADD FILES. This is where you must be able to find the file containing the picture you want to add to the profile page.
4. Find the photo and click on it, which will highlight it.
5. Choose UPLOAD FILE, and it will appear on your page.
To DELETE a photo:
1. Choose EDIT/UPLOAD PHOTOS under MEMBER FUNCTIONS from the left column; and, as before, all the photos on your profile page will be displayed.
2. Choose DELETE on top of the picture(s) you wish to zap. The background for the entire area will turn red.
3. Choose SAVE ALL CHANGES. A pop up box will ask if you're really sure you want to delete photos. If you are sure, proceed to step 4.
4. Click "OK" and the photo(s) will be removed from your Profile Page. (It will, however, remain on your computer.)
Currently, any classmate may post a gallery of photos. To do this , click on any photo to get into the site, click on "add photo," then click on "create photo gallery" and follow further directions. Manipulating the photos is pretty much as in the section above. I am not sure it is possible to do otherwise, but of course, classmates should only add to or delete from their own galleries.
Should you wish to change your password, for any reason, click on CHANGE PASSWORD under Member Functions. A page with 3 sections for you to fill in will appear.
1. Type in your PRESENT password.
2. Type in your NEW password.
3. Type in your NEW password a second time.
4. Click on SAVE button.
Any password you use must have at least 5 characters.
For your information: If at anytime you forget your password and cannot log on to the site, click on "forgot my password" and you will quickly receive an email asking you to set up a password again. You can even use the same one you thought it was all along.
Most users select the "stay logged in" option when they log in. Therefore, they will always be logged onto the site until they click the LOG OUT link under Member Functions.
When somebody selects the option to stay logged in, the system allows the user to bypass the login screen when they come back to the site.
A tip: Select the heading at the top of the site (it should turn a color), hold down your mouse so the heading stays selected and drag the heading to your desktop. An icon for the site and your search engine should appear on your desktop. When you want to get onto the site, just click on that icon.
Further questions? This is all new to us too, but we may be able to help.
Posted by:
Mary Ann Searles Weiss