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•   Mary Ann Searles (Weiss)  10/1
•   Edith Dulles  8/22
•   Frances Murray (Hargreaves)  8/22
•   Cynthia Rapp (Curry-Nilson)  7/21
•   Judith Mills (Courter)  7/10
•   Kathie Beckman (Smallwood)  6/18
•   Catherine deFerranti (Williams)  6/15
•   Marjorie Muecke  6/15
•   Nancy Selinka (White)  4/23
•   Doris Mortenson (Sisley)  4/18
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Who lives where - click links below to find out.

1 lives in Alabama
19 live in California
4 live in Colorado
9 live in Connecticut
1 lives in Delaware
6 live in District Of Columbia
9 live in Florida
2 live in Hawaii
5 live in Illinois
1 lives in Indiana
9 live in Maine
8 live in Maryland
15 live in Massachusetts
1 lives in Michigan
3 live in Minnesota
2 live in Missouri
1 lives in Montana
1 lives in Nebraska
1 lives in Nevada
7 live in New Hampshire
12 live in New Jersey
2 live in New Mexico
17 live in New York
6 live in North Carolina
2 live in Ohio
2 live in Oregon
4 live in Pennsylvania
3 live in Rhode Island
1 lives in Tennessee
7 live in Texas
1 lives in Utah
5 live in Vermont
1 lives in Virgin Islands
6 live in Virginia
3 live in Washington
1 lives in Wisconsin
2 live in Wyoming
2 live in Ontario
1 lives in Quebec
1 lives in Australia
1 lives in Dominican Republic
1 lives in Germany
1 lives in Iceland
1 lives in Israel
2 live in Switzerland
3 live in United Kingdom
132 location unknown


•   Marianne Banning (Adey)  10/27
•   Becky Ericsson (Hunter)  10/28
•   Adelaide Bennett (Hagens)  11/2
•   Barbara Everton  11/2
•   Polly Jones (Jordan)  11/2
•   Cynthia (Cindy) Prescott (Hedin)  11/2
•   Elizabeth Randall  11/3
•   Diane Williamson  11/3
•   Rayna Rosenberg (Gillman)  11/5
•   Hester Ohbi (Ohbi)  11/7
•   Tracy Philbrick (Truman)  11/7
•   Doris Mortenson (Sisley)  11/8
•   Patricia Pickett (Wecker)  11/10
•   Karen Shaver (Wesley)  11/14
•   Dorothy Davis  11/15
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