Mount Holyoke College
Class of 1963
Survey Results from 55th
Below is a brief summary of the survey results from our pre-reunion questionnaire. So far I have received 57! And at the bottom is a link to the current file of survey returns for those who agreed to share them with classmates. A few people did not reply to my request to include their surveys in this file. If you are one and wish your questionnaire to be added to the file, please let me know at If I have received your survey in the last week or if you still wish to send in one, I will update the file after reunion.
- Major subject: Most common were political science, history, and English - all with about the same number in those who replied. Together they make up just over half (~52%). Science majors IN TOTAL make up fewer than any of the three most numerous and come in at ~15%; most common were chemistry and zoology. After that, but way down the list were French, economics and sociology, philosophy, and psychology; again their total numbers are less than any one of the most common.
- Was later education related to work you did (paid or volunteer)? Yes: 31 (54%) No: 5 (9%) Yes and No: 21 (37%) I think this is interesting because more than a third responding answered yes and no instead of either Y or N.
- If you switched how did MHC help? Three general answers here: language, writing and thinking skills; ability to learn and continue learning; self-discipline and organizational skills.
- What did you do after - I'll summarize both education and career.
- ~2/3 identified that they took some sort of degree or extra training after graduation
- Most common careers: teaching: 22 (~39%); scholarship/research (either university etc. or institutes or businesses): 14 (~25%); editor/writer: 9 (~16%). Others included: business/insurance/real estate: 11 (20%); government related: 5 (~9%); social work: 4 (~7%); health related: 4 (7%); arts and computer related ~5%. Note that these numbers/percentages add up to much more than the total. This is because many of you had more than one type of job in your careers.
5. Favourite courses for science majors: There were many and no single one dominated - chemistry, economics, art, history, English lit, philosophy, ornithology.
6. What science courses did non-science majors take? Physiology (named 21 times), chemistry (14), and zoology (12) dominated - possibly because many identified them as pre-med. Next were astronomy (10), geology (8), math (8), geography and biology (both at 5), and physics (3). Others named were ornithology, psychology, ecology and nutrition
7. Course wish list: The answers here were dominated by baby art/art history, (named 17 times) and baby music (16); then history (9); English Lit (6); economics and poli sci (5 each); philosophy (4); then astronomy, physics, math, spanish, anthropology, geology, cryptography (3 each); and finally with 1 each: biology, golf, horticulture, psychology, creative writing, religion, geography, botany zoology.
8: Current Activities: Most common current activities were time with family (especially grandkids) and friends (named 33 times) and volunteering (31). After that came travel (21); exercise/sports (20); still working full or part time (16); reading (13) and cultural activities (concerts, museums etc.) (12); book group (11); doing music (instrumental or vocal) (7); gardening (7); doing arts/crafts... (6); church related activities (4);
writing (3), plus other bits and pieces.
I think it's clear that this is an interesting group of women who have done a wide variety of things with their lives. When the surveys are scanned and available on the web everyone will be able to see and enjoy.
Gretchen Luft Harris