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12/05/23 11:34 AM #750    


Nancy Selinka (White)

Thanks from me, too. I went to high school with Mary Ann--one of the best and the brightest!


12/05/23 01:01 PM #751    


Karel Mortenson (Koenig)

Yes, Congratulations, Mary Ann Szporluk! My admiration for your skill and persistent work. And Thanks Mary Ann Weiss.  I am digging up the review out of my recycling because I too missed it. I ordered the book. Hope it arrives very soon.  


12/05/23 02:03 PM #752    


Elaine Cox (Jacoby)

Congratulations, Mary Ann!  What a thrill to read about your book.   It's been far roo,long since we've been in touch but Imthink of you often. 
best, as always, Elaine

12/05/23 02:43 PM #753    

Mary Ann Bridley (Szporluk)

My thanks to Mary Ann and all the others who sent messages today about the NYT review of the Kanovich novel I translated. I'm very happy that the author is at last getting some publicity here. This was his favorite book. He died in January 2023 and didn't get to see the actual book, but he knew it was finally being published in English.

12/06/23 07:23 AM #754    


Mary Jenness (Raine)

I wrote to Mary Ann and ordered the book . How wonderful that we and all English speaking readers can finally read his favorite book thanks to her fine efforts. 

12/06/23 06:27 PM #755    


Nancy Selinka (White)

Mary Ann--I add my congratulations! I, too, just ordered the book and am looking forward to reading it. What an accomplishment!


12/08/23 10:46 AM #756    


Alice Godfrey (Andrus)

To add to the comments on the terrible situation in Gaza and Israel, Ukraine and Russia, I am sharing that I led a prayer service petitioning God for peace in those war zones, and  locally  Incidents of violence in Burlington, Lewiston and Concord have traumatized our citizens.The service was produced on the streghtn of several classmates; notably, Karel Koenig, Nawrie Meigs Brown and Anne Yeomans who all inspired me with prayers and poetry. Thank you, friends. 

I'd love to hear how you all are addressing these fears and uncertainty in your own ways. 


12/09/23 07:20 PM #757    


Mary-Ellen Carey (Moroney)

I am praying for the sfve return of the Hamas hostages and for the surrender of Hamas and, if not that, the end of Hamas hidding behind Palastinian cilivans.

12/17/23 12:39 PM #758    


Karel Mortenson (Koenig)

Holiday wishes for us all! Themes of Hanukkah, Christmas, and Kwanzaa, and New Years are all about gratitude, light for ourselves, and our world, a world with peace and new beginnings.

May your celebrations be warm and enjoyable times shared with those you love. May they be celebrations that bring you hope and inspiration for the new year. 2024 promises to be momentous. May our community and our spirit help overcome our fears; and may we bring light to our world.

01/13/24 12:14 AM #759    


Elaine Cox (Jacoby)

Best wishes to all of our 1963: classmates for a happy, healthy new year. I'm also wishing for less division in our country and a peaceful resolution to the wars that have devastated so many millions of people. Let's stay engaged!

02/12/24 11:13 AM #760    


Edith Dulles

     Enjoying  Up Home, Ruth J. Simmons amazing story of sharecropper child to president of Smith, etc. Living & experiencing southern customs & issues hits home. 

04/21/24 12:41 PM #761    


Karel Mortenson (Koenig)

For everyone who is observing and celebrating Passover: May coming together with family and friends help us find a path to healing in this time of suffering - suffering from hate, war, starvation, grief, and trauma. May we find strength and renewed spiritual energy in our personal lives and in our dedication to healing the world, Tikun Olam.

04/21/24 04:12 PM #762    


Edith Dulles

Dear Karel,

     Thank you! Right now, your message seems especially important. XO, Edie

04/22/24 06:17 AM #763    


Alice Godfrey (Andrus)

Mara Benjamin, the college professor of Religion and spiritual guide for Jewish students on campus has been seledcted as a Guggenheim Fellow this yaar. She is the only one from MHC. What an honor (well-deserved no doubt) especially on the eve of Passover. Mazel Tov to Mara! 

04/22/24 11:29 AM #764    


Nancy Selinka (White)

Thank you, Karel. To all, a sweet Passover--a celebration of freedom and renewal of life. 


04/22/24 01:11 PM #765    


Susan Fickel (Kroeger)

I was invited by the leader of the Passover celebration here at Meadow Ridge in Redding CT, a CCRC, to do several readings for the Seder from the Haggadah on Tuesday.  Although I am a Christian I felt deeply honored to be included.  I'm looking forward to participating in this celebration of freedom, peace and love.  We are also having a special prayer for the hostages.  Greetings to my classmates.....

04/24/24 09:49 AM #766    


Alice Godfrey (Andrus)

To sit at a Seder table is indeed an honor. I have had that privilege with my dear friend, Enid Lasko Kay, and her family. My grandsons joined me on one occasion. I am heartened to hear positive news of people coming together in tradition and remembrance of our history as we seek justice and peace among nations.. At his birth, Jesus crossed over from Bethlehem to Egypt and  safety. There has always been a way to safety, we just need to clear our eyes and hearts. 

05/16/24 09:43 AM #767    


Karel Mortenson (Koenig)

Commencement 2024

One year post our memorable 60th Reunion! 

This year's Commencement is this Sunday -  May 19th. It will be streamed and the link will be posted on Sunday morning. Googling "Commencement Mount Holyoke College" should give access to the link.

Danielle Holley's first year at Mount Holyoke has been marked by international turmoil that is extending to college campuses and to many students, faculty, and alums personally. Danielle Holley and the Office of Community Building and Belonging is giving close attention to these personal and Mount Holyoke community needs. Although I have no inside knowledge of the program or the plans for this year's Commencement. I think Commencement is likely to reflect these issues (either directly or indirectly) and how the campus is responding. I look forward to watching. 

05/18/24 02:10 PM #768    


Elaine Cox (Jacoby)

Thank you, Karel. Just want to add that President Holley was here in Princeton at the invitation of the local club. Her remarks were insightful and revealing of the state of the college community. Her responses to questions were thoughtful. I asked her about potential or actual protests over the situation in Israel and Gaza, and her response emphasized the efforts by the administration to bring people together by creating opportunities for inclusive discussion and respect for different opinions. This approach seems to have worked to prevent protests. '

08/23/24 09:41 AM #769    


Karel Mortenson (Koenig)


I'm thinking more and more about loneliness. Inspired by Barack Obama's speech at the Democratic National Convention who told about how separate our lives have become as we gather less frequently, and by an interview from the Washington Post with Senator Chris Murphy, CT who has begun conversations with other US senators and House members about loneliness.

Very much driven by technology and smart phones among teens and young people, loneliness is often also a problem for us. Many of us live alone, many have lost loved ones and intimate relations; many of us are struggling to care for our loved ones; many of us fear the loss of loved ones who are ill . We are in a very different relationship to our intimate partners or close friends when they or we are ill. When we are the caregiver we are unable to count on them in familiar ways. When we are ill we are unable to be fully available to those we love.  If we have children we see them immersed in their own lives for which we are usually so very grateful. However, as parents we may feel left behind and we may feel aged out of relevance.                                 

So I'm wondering how good it could be to talk more openly about our own loneliness: how we feel it; how we respond to it; how we see it in others and each other, and how we can help others and each other. Just thoughts  -  I have no agenda in mind.

08/24/24 11:54 AM #770    


Mary Jenness (Raine)


You have given an excellent summary of the reasons why loneliness affects some many older adults, as well as other age cohorts right now. Vivek Murthy, our Surgeon General wrote an editorial in The NY Times (4/30/23), entitled We Have Become a Lonely Nation. It's Time to Fix That. In a surprisingly self-revelatory essay, he described the deleterious  health effects of isolation and social disconnection, and then proposed a 6-national framework to address the crisis. I commend this thoughtful article to my classmates. 

Meanwhile, I propose that we add this to our Buzz forums so people could connect and share feelings, thoughts and ideas on this important topic. I have given this a great deal of thought to this myself, as I am a widow. have close friends who have died, moved away, or become demented, or can no longer travel. Activities that I once enjoyed are no longer possible, lfor example, ice dance. I believe one must adapt, by actively seeking  out new communities, people, and groups that do things that you find meaningful. I am finding this is often very hard, but rewarding work. 

One of my recent decisions was to move to a Congregate Care Retirement Community, for two reasons: I need more companionship, and I will possibly need short or long term care in the future. I am now on a wait list, for a new place in Stamford,  and am actively  involved in downsizing my house so I can be ready to move. Also a huge project. 

As a health care professional, I am very interested in this topic. And as your friend and classmate, I would welcome any opportunities to talk with any of about this, in person, via Buzz- whatever suits you. 
Mary Jenness Raine 




08/24/24 02:23 PM #771    


Linda Ocker (Mashburn)

I believe that as Seniors, we are called to create community in whatever manner available.  Personally, because of my values, I helped create and help manage a mixed-income retirement community (owned and rental units that are income eligible).  Because it is income diverse, it is also mixed racially and ethnically.  We call ourselves "Elderspirit" but we acknowledge and welcome all spiritual paths.  We also pledge ourselves to "mutual support," meaning that for short-term illnesses and post-operation periods, we help each other with meals, transportation, grocery shopping, etc.  We do not provide long term care such as is available in comprehensive retirement communities.  However, when my husband needed that level care, he was in a facility close enough so that the members of our community visited him regularly, along with my daily visits.  It should be possible to create a caring community through a church or religious institution, a community center, or through other organizations that we might be a part of.

08/25/24 02:15 PM #772    


Nancy Selinka (White)

Linda, this sounds wonderful. I would certainly like to know more about it!

08/26/24 10:01 AM #773    


Karel Mortenson (Koenig)

Linda, A lovely supoortive community of friends. I imagine you have all become so much closer and been helpful to each other even when there is no immediate need. Am I reading too much into it? Karel


08/31/24 06:13 PM #774    


Marjorie Muecke

      For those interested in loneliness, get a hold of tomorrow's (Sunday_ New York Times Magizine for an interesting article "Why is the loneliness epidemic so hard to cure?" by Mathew Shaer

Be well, Margy

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