Buzz '63


Forum: Living Choices


A moving experience

Created on: 01/19/24 04:38 PM Views: 238 Replies: 1
A moving experience
Posted Friday, January 19, 2024 04:38 PM

I recently sold my house overlooking the Shenandoah Valley and moved across town to a continuing care retirement community, a transition long planned because I have no immediate family. I find that the new setting greatly increases my social options and access to cultural activities without any pressure on myself to perform.

The average move-in age is late 70s, but I hear many people say that they wish they’d come sooner, both to ensure they could manage the move effectively and to enjoy the included amenities. I strongly encourage classmates to take things in hand; even a reluctant partner may find s/he takes pleasure in the new scene. And it hugely reduces the time and energy spent on cooking, keeping house, and arranging support services when needed!

RE: A moving experience
Posted Monday, February 5, 2024 04:34 PM

I'm so glad to hear that your move has brought you so many good things!  I, too, made a move in July that has proved successful because now I'mliving with my son and daughter-in-law and three beautiful cats.  But I get to keep all my previous Princeton activities, as well.  I underscore your suggestion that anyone who is considering a move do it soon.  It is a major commitment, and you need time to plan and accomplish it.

Best, Elaine