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Forum: Connecting


Procedure for telling class about classmate deaths

Created on: 02/17/24 02:42 PM Views: 221 Replies: 3
Procedure for telling class about classmate deaths
Posted Saturday, February 17, 2024 02:42 PM

Dear All,

     I recently received an e-mail calling for financial help for a very unexpected and threatening illness of a classmate. Before I was able to post that request, her friend (another of our classmates) wrote me a message that our classmate had passed away. Without thinking about the consequences,I posted that news.

     We have a more appropriate method of announcing passings. I believe that Sally Nunnely is the class member who is appointed to follow the steps, and I would apprecate it if we all knew the specifics. Would someone detail those for all of us to see?

Thank you,

Edie Dulles

Edith L. Dullles

RE: Procedure for telling class about classmate deaths
Posted Saturday, February 24, 2024 02:17 PM

Dear Edie,

I hope you have received a response by other channels. If not, please look at the added advice on the In Memoriam page, I think that will cover it, but contact me if you still have questions.



RE: Procedure for telling class about classmate deaths
Posted Saturday, February 24, 2024 06:16 PM

sDear Sally,

I've just tried to post a reply. It doesn't look like it "took," so I'll try again:


Thank you for posting the procedure we should follow when we learn a classmate has died. 
I have always admired you, and your efforts on behalf of Mount Holyoke. I'm hoping you are happy with the lovely place you described having moved to; and I hope you see your horse frequently even if you are a little farther away than before.

Sincerely, Edie

Edith L. Dullles

RE: Procedure for telling class about classmate deaths
Posted Saturday, February 24, 2024 08:35 PM

Dear Edie,

Thank you, we are all doing fine with the new arrangements, and I hope to have yet many years of independence in this more sheltered setting.

